Our Internal Purchasing Policy

We are committed to implementing responsible purchasing practices in our value chain. Responsible purchasing enables positive change at the supplier level, and ignites ongoing benefits for every step of the supply chain. It requires a trusting, direct and honest relationship where both parties are able to negotiate and share risks equally, and a purchaser who is committed to supporting human rights within the supply base. In contrast, conventional purchasing practices are characterized by aggressive price negotiation, inaccurate forecasting, late orders, short lead times and last-minute changes. This places suppliers and workers’ minimal requirements under serious pressure, impacting negatively on all concerned.

At MAURIE + EVE we commit To the following:


Partnering and sourcing from suppliers who share our commitment to sustainability as detailed in our Code of Conduct (COC)


Ensuring the technical details related to product specification and associated forecasting is accurate


We will endeavour to minimise changes to specifications


Any amendments will result in the target delivery being changed


Lead-in times will be sufficient so as not to result in excessive working hours or sub-contracting in order to hit delivery targets


We will pay an equitable price for garments and always pay invoices as per agreed payment terms


For cancelled orders, we will ensure a realistic and just timeframe that does not impact the supplier’s business


We welcome feedback from suppliers when our sourcing puts excessive pressure on the requirements (as set out in the COC)


For all employees and domestic operations, we will adhere to all points set out in our COC


We will engage annually with all stakeholders to assess the impacts of the purchasing practices and to ascertain where improvements can be made