
Time is of the essence. Here’s how our actions will unfold into the future and beyond.

Being our Best is about real, measurable change. What it’s not about, is marketing. Nothing about the information provided here is geared to drive product sales or acquire new audiences. There’s nothing pretty or trending about it. It’s raw, total transparency – a look into where we’re excelling and where we’ve got plenty of room to grow. Honesty is the best policy, and few brands can raise their hand and admit to total truth. What does the word sustainable even mean in a world of misleading claims and light suggestions? And when did appearing to participate in the conversation become more important than taking direct action?

Our Commitments

For each fundamental, we have set specific targets, metrics, and commitments. These are all based on scientific data, so we measure our progress on an annual basis. There’s nowhere to hide.


100% Supply Chain Mapped by 2025
100% COC Signed Annually
100% T1 Ethical/Social Audit by 2025
100% Supply Chain Ethical/ Social Audit by 2027
Inclusivity Metrics Defined by 2025


First Annual Impact Report 2025
Launch Understanding Webpage aimed at Educating our Customer


Establish Two Climate/Fibre Focused Partnerships in 2025
2024 Commence Supply Chain Social Advocacy Project Stage


Being our Best requires a robust accountability framework promoting a process of continuous improvement. The objective? Tangible, measurable outcomes. No metric will be left misunderstood. Metrics uncover trends, and this data is our key to accelerated improvement; critical insights exposing the factors that set us back or pushed us forward. All long-term trends will be made public via our annual Impact Report. Our success, mistakes and most importantly what we learnt will be laid bare for others to understand, share, and succeed.

We’re all in this together. Here is our framework summarized:

Our Roadmap

2025 is our year of baselining. We are currently collecting and analysing data sets to finetune our roadmap … we’ll keep you updated.